About Clifford College
Clifford College has been a training provider since 2009 and was commissioned with the task of training apprentices to become quality engineers by Barlows (UK) Ltd. Throughout this time many young entrants, from all backgrounds, have been nurtured and developed to gain skills, knowledges, good behaviours and values, achieve their apprenticeship and offered permanent employment with Barlows (UK) Ltd to expand their workforce with competent quality engineers.
In late 2017 Clifford College was accepted onto the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers and gained accreditation with City & Guilds to offer electrical qualifications. In April 2018 Clifford College began training their first group of apprentices on their own contract as previously they were in partnership with 2 other private training providers to be able to access funding for their training.
The ethos is to nurture confident young individuals and engineers, and these have increased the staff from 5 to 500. The Clifford group of colleges includes centres in Hampton, Lancaster, Manchester and London where the dedicated staff ensure that safeguarding and the welfare of apprentices is paramount.
Clifford College and Barlows (UK) Ltd have won over 20 major awards, including National Apprenticeship Awards and most recently, in 2020, Clifford College has won a Princess Royal Training award for the second year running.
Study at Clifford College
Guaranteed small class sizes and 95% pass rate.
Send your apprentices to Clifford College
Industry leading standards for company apprentices.